Narc Gone® Cx is the most efficient way to dispose of your cannabis.

Reclaims property-room space through quick
destruction and disposal of cannabis
DEA-laboratory certified effective
DEA and EPA compliant
Safe for the environment
Final disposition is the local landfill
Easy as add cannabis, agitate, and discard

Narc Gone® Cx is the most efficient way to dispose of your cannabis.
Narc Gone®Cx products* have been independently tested by a DEA certified laboratory and proven to meet the DEA’s non-retrievable standard and EPA’s standards for solid waste disposal. All Narc Gone® products use a chemical destruction solution that starts dissolving and adsorbing the active ingredient in cannabis on contact. During this process, the THC is adsorbed and neutralized by the activated carbon in the container. Narc Gone® is completely non-toxic and non-hazardous. Once the bottle is full, the included hardener can be added to the bottle, if needed. This hardener will transform the liquid into a solid gel. This final solid state provides compliance with the liquid paint filter test seen in some state regulations for landfill disposal. Narc Gone®Cx is designed for the disposal of both medical and recreational cannabis. The finished solidified Narc Gone®Cx bottle may be discarded into regular garbage (check institutional policies, state and local regulations for proper disposal).
Independent Lab Testing
Narc Gone products have been independently tested by a DEA-Certified Laboratory, and proven to meet the DEA’s non-retrievable standard. Click on below links to download reference documentation.
The Armstrong Report for Cannabis
For information about Narc Gone products, please contact us by clicking the link below:

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